Thursday, May 9, 2013

United Airlines... we are still upset

So, last Thursday I posted that we had a horrible morning, but I was too upset to talk about it.  I'm finally getting around to writing up the summary that I am sending to United because quite frankly they need to know about what happened.  It is still extremely worrisome for Jackson and makes my blood boil when I think about it.  I was limited on the number of characters I was allowed to use so this is a very short version of our morning...


 I am a single mom with three young kids ages 6, 7, and 8 years old.  My 7 year old son has Asperger Syndrome and a service dog named Angel. We travel a lot so I called your airline - United, before the flight to make sure they knew that Angel would be with us, that she is a large breed dog, we need bulk-head seating, and she is in fact a service dog.
When we arrived they said there were not four seats available in bulk head, but that the gate would work something out for us.  She even said "A single mom with three kids, one with special needs and a service dog; they better help you out or I wouldn't fly with us ever again either".  

Our first flight went fine.  They were able to get us in bulk-head, everyone was sweet, and we had an uneventful flight.    
When we got to Denver however, there was a delay and the lady at the gate was cranky and stressed. She put us in the back two rows on the Very small plane. Angel is an 80 pound Great Pyrenees so I wasn't sure how it was going to go?     (it was very small plane)

 I laughed at how small and tight the seats were.  I really had no idea what we were going to be able to do with Angel.  The flight attendant at the back was trying to be positive and helpful so we just started trying to SHOVE Angel in between the seats.  Jackson, my son, was getting very stressed about it and Angel could tell.  She jumped up on the seat next to him and put her paw on him to keep him calm.   

She was doing her job and I was still brainstorming with the flight attendant about what we could do when the flight attendant at the front stormed back to us and without knowing the situation at all says to me "If you can't get your DOG under control the pilot has said I should have the entire family removed from the plane".  I was in SHOCK and Horrified.  My children looked at me in terror and Jackson completely lost it due to the fact that he takes words very literally and thought that we were getting kicked off the plane.  The other passengers started sticking up for us, but she kept saying, "is there a problem?  You will be removed".   

Angel somehow knew I was upset now too and by herself crawled under the seats and laid there curled in a ball.   She literally had to fold her self in half when the cart or someone came by.

(Notice in the picture this is WITHOUT Jackson and I sitting in the seats that she was squishing into...)

 I hid my tears from the kids and I assured them we did nothing wrong.  The flight attended in the back apologized, was clearly embarrassed and handed me tissues.   

We have never been treated that way and I had no way of kindly explaining it to my children.  My son keeps telling people that the lady on the plane hated us and was going to kick us off because he has Aspergers and a special dog to help him.  It was, and still is, very upsetting.