(The following picture is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what my work day looks like!)
"Good for you! You actually did it!", and "I have this idea....."
More times than not (unfortunately) my reaction to this (that I try REALLY hard to keep to myself) is "NOOOOOOOOOOOO, Don't Do IT!!!" ;)
When I sat down at my dinning room table armed with scissors, glue, a curling iron, and some regular plastic straws, SO LONG ago; I had No Freaking Clue what I was getting into!!
I played and played, and cut, and melted, glued, and melted some more and suddenly.... There it was! This MASTERPIECE! This object of my imagination come to life! I just knew that this creation I was holding in my hand was going to Make. US. Millions!!
Years of research, finding investors, and forming a company. More information than I ever wanted to know about plastic, about molding, about patents, business plans, websites, shopping carts, packaging, logos, contracts, licensing... Three years to convince someone it could get made! $100,000 in start-up capital to create a brand new concept/product from complete scratch, only to find out that wasn't even going to get me off the runners block. Night after night at the computer desperately trying to find the answers to my questions, show everyone the product, pleading to get past the front door of any company that would listen....
What the heck is going on?? This was suppose to be easy, or at the very least Possible!!
Suddenly all the people that were saying "Your going to be a millionaire!", "Opra, is definitely going to have you on!", "Don't forget about us little people!".... needed to duck and RUN!
Can I just tell you how many times I have been taken advantage of? The amount of money one person wants me to give them to even blink my direction? The number of nights I have just skipped sleep completely in order to feel like I got SOMETHING done? How about the number of hours I have spent packing straws, missing time with my kids, or sobbing over the complete enormity of it all.
I had three kids, in three years! They are 6, 7, and 8 right now! My middle child has Autism. As a result they go to a University Model school which means I am homeschooling 50% of the time, and the curriculm for second grade is WAY beyond my academic level! I have a complete addiction to voluntering for everything and wanting to help! I want to give my kids and show my kids the world! I desperatly need to take the 24 hours that are in each day and multiply it by about, 12!!
But guess what?? I'm not alone!
There are a number of us out there. Mom-preneurs! Some just starting out, a LOT climbing the mountain with me, and there are the handful that show us that the hard work can actually pay off!
I was inspired to write this unnecessarily long post because recently some of the hard working, sleep deprived, mom-preneurs I know have taken a minute of their precious time to help something close to my heart. And I want to make sure they get the recognition they deserve! I know how important that minute was, trust me! It's 2am and I still have about two thousand emails to return!!
My son, Jackson, has Autism and we recently discovered an Autism Service Dog that desperately wants to be Jackson's guardian angel! Fittingly, her name is Angel, and we are currently doing some fundraising in order to be able to make her a part of our family!
The second I mentioned it, I was bombarded with messages from Mom inventors that wanted to donate a product for giveaway!
So, for the next couple of weeks, everyday, on Facebook all of you will get a chance to share our story and hopefully win some prizes!
The following Mom-invented products are participating!! -
The Little Looster! - www.littlelooster.com
On The Cuff! - www.onthecuff.net
Noblo! - www.thenoblo.com
Diaper Clutch! - www.thediaperclutch.com
Hot Joe Jacket! - www.joejacket.com
ThrifTee Gear! - www.thrifteegear.com
LillyBit Uptown Diaper Clutch! - www.uptowndiaperclutch.lillybit.com
Cuddle Cloth! - www.cuddlecloth.com
Tooth Timer! - www.twoothtimer.com
Easy Lunch Boxes! - www.easylunchboxes.com
Butibag! - www.butibag.com
Kiddo Tags! - www.magento.kiddotags.com
Swim Zip! - www.swimzip.com
Oh yeah.... and The Straw-lution Straw! (I forgot I had a product too! ;) ) - www.strawlution.com
Do me a favor and show these hard working Momma's some Love!!
And "Like" The Giant White Angel for Snugglebug so that you can enter to win all of these AWESOME products!! While your their, check out our story and pass it along! On March 2nd, Jackson's world will forever be changed.... and I'm humbled and grateful to everyone that is helping make that happen! <3
P.S.- I realize that this post could have started 3/4 of the way down... but apparently I had some venting to do! Sorry!! :/
P.S.S.- Funny story- I brushed my hair today, and as a result I was quite pleased with myself! Then my son walks up to me and with a very puzzled look on his face says, "What's with the long hair?" :/
Well written! I understand. Thanks for getting it along with us!
This is what a support system is all about! You can't help but be an inspiration, even in chaos! Cuddlecloth is so very honored to be a part of your family's journey! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteMary Purcaro